a diligent job of reporting out of classroom referrals and others that are not seen it to be that pofrnt. important. so what we have then is the schools that have really taken this seriously look worse on data than schools that don't, so i'm concerned that we keep that in mind when we look at school data. >> that'd be one thing we can correlate to the actual referral and suspension data. so in other words, if we see schools that have really high suspensions and referrals and don't show just out of classroom time, we should be able to at least check and probably know they're not doing a good job of collecting data. thank you. >> commissioner maufas. >> thank you so much for the update. i really appreciate it. some of the struggle that i'm having is that i worry when i hear at this point, the words recommendation, suggestion -- you know, we're tweaking something -- i think we're well beyond that type of understanding where we need -- where you need to come back to us to recommend. i think the resolution and the superintendent's man at a time mandate and where we are as a board and a distri