the first permit on the regular agenda is for poi lyon and swan at 124 to 140 columbus. the new business owner is turning the space to an is up are club and seek the permit to host live entertainment while dining. there will not be bar seating it is a sit down experience of the plan is to be open up to 7 days a week for public din and are private upon events. conduct out reach in the neighborhood sending 138 out reach letters to residential and commercial neighbor it is. they received 2 letters of support all of which provided. is there was no opposition and central station approved with a standard condition of e mailing the entertainment commission and central station a monthly calendar of private evans. here to speak to you is rob. >> thank you. good evening am i'm rob izo the ce shgs on o of echo terreno. we are echo terreno wine and vineyard a wine country in the alexander valley and opening a tasting room and restaurant in the jackson square, alcohol have live entertainment and food. we are an lbgtq + ownd and operated company. our building has a handled year histor