but then mcfarlane successor as his national security adviser, john poindexter and his aide, all of our north got another bright idea, which was to divert the profits from the sale of arms to iran to support the nicaraguan contras. the the guerrilla fighters, even congress had forbidden the government from supporting the contras. and so this was inviolate of what was known as the boland amendment. and that is something that cut potentially gotten reagan impeached, except that poindexter said he never reagan. and so that was basically what saved reagan's presidency, because could plead ignorance of the diversion funds to the contras. when reagan was generally thought not to be paying as much attention to details. so you can credibly say, i didn't really exactly. you know, you could argue that he got into the iran-contra. i mean, think big picture. ronald reagan, great leader, but a poor manager, hands off manager, often didn't know what his aides doing. and so you could argue that the reason he got into the iran-contra affair in the first place was because he was a very poor, hands off m