everything was done to neutralize guns in pointe du hoc. there were a thousand men, rangers assigned to that objective, they also send nearly a dozen aerial bombardment missions, a thousand bombers, hundred tons of ordnance was dropped on pointe du hoc. places turned to the surface of the moon, but as the book i am going to talk about today, "dog company," two men accomplished the mention of 1,000 men and 1,000 bombers, an incredible story. at 6:00 a.m. landing craft from force a were headed towards pointe du hoc, which is very interesting is a suspicious chain of the events took place the change the course of history, navigation error with the radar and the royal navy lt. that was guiding the boats was not working at that time, they were headed for the wrong objective which was an objective for the rangers, it was a cliff on the other side of omaha beach, they were not going to pointe du hoc. all the landing craft or heading in the wrong direction. at that time they were supposed to land at 6:30 a.m. the air or bombed pointe du hoc. if the