from sovanov rainforests, pre-mangrove swamps and wide sandy beaches such as pointe noire.e plain and in the countryside there are many strange flowers and fruits. trees. in the congo we support the development of culture, because a people who loses their culture then loses their soul. in konga poto poto, in ggan, traditional multi-colored textiles, a single-edged boot, are printed fabrics made of cotton or silk, the patterns on which are made by hand, stamps with national motifs are cut out of wood by craftsmen , the paint for the ornament is boiled from the bark of a special tree, the result is brightly colorful , president of ghana nano akufaada. told what is attractive about his country. we have different ethnic groups that organize popular holidays, dance shows, concerts, and poetry competitions. these are very spectacular events. we look at other countries through the prism of our national interests. we are open to friendly relations with any state in the world that wants to build... and others, we have preserved many rare animals, a great variety of different animals