for example, in cambodia, vietnamese invasion of 1978, but the downfall of the removal of pol pot, during his three and a half years of power, the compare rouge killed 1.7 million people. which was about 21% of the cambodian population. with full pot not in power, approximately half 1 million component people who managed to survive his regime, sought refuge in near by thailand. in addition, 122,000 cambodian refugees, join them in thailand, between 1980 and 1986. in vietnam, there was another outpour of refugees, known famously as the boat people. these people escaped by sea, they were people who had formally been political military or cultural leaders and south vietnam, some of them were ethnic minorities, were fleeing persecution. but 160,000 went to china, while tens of thousands took to the oceans, and made their way to other places in southeast asia, including thailand, malaysia, indonesia, and the philippines. they sailed on boats, that we hardly see where the sometimes. and then estimated 25 to 50% died at sea. if they were lucky to make it to land, sometimes they were forced back