majority leader reid and with all our colleagues to finally break through to get beyond some of the polarizeation, almost brawling that we've seen in town hall meetings with folks sat in opposite sections. that's not america, madam president, when we're facing big challenges. and this certainly is such a challenge. i believe fixing the economy and fixing american health care are two sides of the same coin. you can't spend more than 16% of your gross product on american health care, spot your foreign competition hundreds of millions of dollars a year and have enough money to focus on education and transportation and domestic needs. the reason so many americans don't see their take-home pay-go up is because health care gobbles up all the costs in sight. so this is a big challenge, and certainly a challenge that demands that the united states senate get beyond some of what has been the fighting, near brawling about this subject across the landant on the basis of the conversations that i've had with colleagues, i continue to believe that the senate can break through and produce a bipartisan bill work