. -- beets by dry and polaroid.the founder and partner about the design process and how the retail experience can be improved with better product design. >> if you reinvent something, you are probably not going to get the acceptance you want. you start with a basis of what people know and draw them into what it is doing that is new and beneficial. >> can you give us an example? it uses a enormous amount of technology. food, doesour temperature. ultimately, it has to look and behave like an oven. this could be anything, but this needs to be a good oven. if it was a spherical ball floating on a cushion on your counter, people probably would not have bought it. >> would not even know to put the food in. >> yeah. >> when i think about design, this idea of real simplicity. it is certainly appreciated. i am wondering, as a non-designer, how much of that is a trend? is something that is hot now? how much of that is built into the way things should be designed? >> for me, it is built-in. it has always been that day. simple