the lower flood flowed, and behind it lay the large low part of polatsk beyond the river and furtherl and forests. we will bring the viewer closer to science, how science, and specifically biotechnology, helps turn grain into gold. the product from which amino acids are made is our glucose syrup, which bacteria eat and produce amino acids, to put it very simply. it’s very simple and the most important thing is that it’s clear, let’s tell you how talented scientists changed our lives? we, like scientists , are cautious in forecasts, but let me get to the bottom of it, we do not rule out that in the near future many people will start talking about agronomics. our project is prolific farming, well, accordingly, agro, then, after all, we are more about the economy, so agronomics, that is, a hint of agriculture, since the project should help increase profitability enterprises. the core, the hallowed building, the plan are turned and the city, the design is as if it comes out of the designs of the grandiose, the design, the landscape and the façade are covered. similar planning principles