your obsertions and in your feedback from the country, there is a willingness to open up the politil system? if there is no opening up of t political system, the incorporation of these people into it will be a difficult thing. the jury is out. they mig not be successful. even though, in tripoli, ther was a meeting with scholars from outside the count who are discussing the recantati of the principles of the fighting groups and so on. it has gottea good reception from many scholars from all over the arab world who followedt. as seone who is in the fld there, what do you think will be done? there is some kind of communication to maybe follow up here or in morocco corp., -- in moroccor mauritania. >> on the potential return question, there are people in libya who espouse reform, although quietly. the most vocal, obviously, has been the shape of islam -- sheik al-islam. we c hope for reform. at this point, it seems to lie almost exclusively in his hands. i am not sure -- safe is -- he is t one who pushed it. he has pushed the envelope at mes. at times, he as been successful. at times, he as bee