oh, polybus, oh, corinth, my ancient ancestral home, as i thought, you brought me up to glorious promise and festering corruption. i am revealed a sinner, born of sinners. oh, crossroads, sheltered land, oak tree, narrow junction of free roads, soil which drank my father's-- my own blood, shed with my own hands. do you all recollect what you saw me do, what i went on to do on reaching thebes? oh, marriage, marriage, you gave me life and from that life released the same seed to produce an incestuous brood of fathers, brothers, children, brides, wives, mothers. yes, and all the foulest actions mankind has ever seen. shameful actions, a shame full to speak of. quick, in god's name, hide me away. kill me. throw me into the sea where no eyes can see me more. come here. don't be afraid to tend the fallen man. listen to me. don't be afraid. no one else, only i can carry my curse. here comes creon. he can best answer your requests with advice-- he is that sole protector of this land in your place. what can i say to him? what convincing plea can i offer? all my wrongs to him have been exposed. oe