watch that polymass. roger... help with the interfactor. leave that alone. this primitive matter/antimatter propulsion system is the main drive? aye. inefficiency exists in the antimatter input vavae. i will effect repair. [electric humming] how are you doing that? the energy release controls are also most inefficient. i shall effect repair. warp eight, mr. scott, and increasing. cut your circuits-- all of them. it can warp 10, mr. scott. 't go that fast. it just won't stop, mr. scott. warp 11! nomad, stop what you're doing. scotty. is there a problem, creator? i have increased engine efficiency 57%. you will destroy my ship. cture cannot stand the stress of that much power. turn off your repair operation. acknowledged. it is reversed as ordered, creator. mr. scott, give sulu warp two and keep her there. aye, sir. captain. i've examined the brig. the force-field door on the security cell is damaged. and the guards have vanished. i must assume they are dead. you killed two of my-- nomad, it's about time i told you who and what you are! i'm a biological unit,