subsequently, there were fewer horses and my grandfather got a job working at the mine, polysaevskayanstruction group about rubber and bags for our miners he was very respected man both at work and at home on march 26, 1992. my ride volkov leontievich left us he was 74 years old. i talk about my grandfather with great respect and with great pride every year. i understand more and more the scale of the feat of our people. today we have life. there is. tomorrow there is a future and it is very important for us to preserve the memory of these tragic events for our motherland to pass it on to our children and grandson, so that no one would ever dare to question the truth about our victory to rewrite history our grandfathers and great-grandfathers did everything to ensure that our country was strong and influential, a mighty and powerful state. so be it, and we will not allow anyone to doubt this and have repeatedly proved this to the whole world. our episode is over, see you in a week. with the upcoming holiday of the great victory day, prepared by the soviet prosecution for the internati