then he want to take the entrance exams to get into the polytechnic institute, and guess what he did, begin with a f-l-u. he flunked. that's okay. some people pass, some people flunk. don't make a big deal of it. then he met someone, got him-- tried it again, this time, he passed. and he did very, very well in school, it turns out, and we're talking about who? albert einstein. some people's time is a little bit different than other people's time. some of you people sitting in the class right now, it's the wrong time for you to be here. it really is. maybe a little bit down the road, all the stuff we're gonna talk about will more resonate with who you are. sometimes, information comes in at a time when you're not ready for it. it's kind of a shame. and sometimes it comes at just the right time. and information comes in when you're ready for it and you grow, you grow, you grow. it's like watering a plant. you gotta water the plant at the right time. and here we are all in class and we're gonna all learn physics together, and i hope, for all of us, it's what? it's the right-- the right t