from time immemorial, the most called it knissky us, which means that the steep mountain of the pomorsthe murmansk nose in 1553, the british explorer richard chantseva, who was looking for the northern trade routes from england, sailed it and mistakenly believe that this is the northernmost point of europe gave the new name northern cape or northcap like him by this day norway is called this huge iron globe, one of the symbols of the northcap, every tourist considers it his duty to take a picture, next to it on the very edge of the land further, which is up to the north pole. there seems to be nothing but the ocean. and yes. the north cape tourist center began to be built in 1958 until the middle of the 20th century. travelers got to the cape on a boat with a wash, and then they climbed a steep slope, clinging to tight ropes, and the most eminent travelers of the past in the sixties of the 17th century, the priest and scientist from rovno francesco negre traveled all the way from italy donartcapa on foot and the future king of france, louis fillet, the first incognito, traveling throug