they started under pontius pilate; they say so themselves. so it's novel.f it's novel, from the roman point of view, it cannot be a religion. religion is, by definition, ancient, from roman perspective. so, if it's new and novel, it's... it's a superstition, it's not a religion; and superstition is, by definition, not a good thing. >> we have a good example of the pagan perspective on christians from a little graffiti found in rome from the palatine hill. an inscription scratched very crudely into the wall says, "alexamenos worships his god." in the picture, we see alexamenos bowing down before the man on the cross, but the man on the cross has the head of a donkey. >> christians have made themselves outlanders in their own town. and, therefore, they are used as an explanatory device whenever there are the usual natural insults of human existence-- plague, earthquake, flood. it's because christians, as gentiles who are not doing their duty to heaven, are... why should the gods do anything for the city then? >> narrator: though persecution was still mainly l