a wealthy man went to pontius pilate and requested the body of jesus. joseph was a secret follower of jesus. and a member of the same council that had convicted him. joseph buried jesus in his own tomb fulfilling isaiah's prophecy. they made his grave with the riched death because he had no done no violence. >> a rich man put jesus in his tomb and isaiah 52, how do you prolong your days? one word resurrection. >> three days later, jesus rose from the dead. jesus as the propheted has written. in the psalms, david said you will not abandon me to the grave or let your holy one see decay. hosea predicted he will revive us, he will raise us up that he will remain in sight. >> psalm 22 talks about a deliverance that is such that the ends of the earth will praise god. tell me someone delivered from death in an extrodinary way the ends of the earth praise god. when we read the skrit scriptures rightly, we see these things miraculously pointing to the messiah. >> prophesies are woven throughout the old testament. only one man in history fulfilled them all, today