labor might do quite poorry. a year fighting with your own people, things right not go so well. and he's not infallible. he's made mistakes. and the other thing to catch out for is how well or badly the labor party do and what conclusions are drawn from that. >> it's fascinating to have conversations with you, gary, who study the elections around the world, to see the parallels, the similarities to differences how it's done here and there. and what you find, as you've said, there's a trump everywhere. there's a bernie everywhere. there's somebody in the middle everywhere. there are -- the similarities are just mind-pentagboggling to sometimes. >> i watched this election. i spent months in a small down in indiana called muncie. >> i'm from 30 miles away from there. >> i was in muncie, middletown, they called it. i was watching the election through brexit eyes. i had just been through this. every time -- trump couldn't possibly win. people couldn't -- i was like, you know, never say never. and before you start talk