hood is pops and looking for your brake fluid rest vare. every car it is always, always , always located right here behind the steering wheel underneath the hoodght the see something that dot on it or something. there is a bottle that hold fluid. on the side you will see a full, minute, max on the low f this is low it is an indication you need brakes. the get a flashlight out, shine it this there. >> one thing i have learned so far is that in 15 minutes, you want it to look like white wine. >> white wine, when it is brand new it is a white whine color. >> you cannot replace brake fluid. >> you can but don't top it off. >> if it is low, it is an indication you need brakes or issue. take it to a-i can fit is low. >> next thing it looks great. >> you could be stranded. i have jumper cables in my car at all times. >> i tell people they should have it in their car. we have got normal jumper cables. now they have these little they look like cell phone packs thaw can use to jump start a car. >> in 90 seconds. >> we are looking at this. >> yes. >> a lot of corrosion with this battery. you don't want to see this. it will cause your car not to want to s