when the name is read out, pandemonium reigns. ( cheers and applause ) the new pope, called tawadros pharmacist turned monk, and the 118th pope in a line stretching back to the 1st century. now, in the roman catholic church, a pope is elected, as you know, by secret ballot behind closed doors. and you are selected by a boy... >> pope tawadros ii: yes. >> simon: ...putting his hand in a box. how did that come to pass? >> pope tawadros ii: this is a tradition in the coptic church, choosing the pope through a boy, because the boy is the symbol of purity. >> simon: purity and a young child-- the association is as old as christianity itself. copts believe that the baby jesus came to cairo, that his life was saved here. febe armanios, an expert on copts from middlebury college, took us down to the underground chapel of the abu serga church, where the pastor, father angelos shenouda, showed us where the holy family sought refuge from king herod after their flight into egypt. >> febe armanios ( translated ): local traditions say that they lived here, that the virgin mary may have even bathed