we -- that's right, we were going to leave it there, and we left a toe popper underneath it. so the device was still there, and we were going to leave it, and we were going to put another i one up the trail and that, come back and see -- and they found it and it went off. so it destroyed the device, and whoever was around it -- toe popper's a little mine be around that big around that's designed to blow your leg off from the knee down or whatever part's in the way. so that, we got a lot of good intel. it was a technique that worked, sometimes you couldn't use them. depends on who the unit was in the area. you have to understand our tactics were constantly evolving because theirs, they'd get on top of you in a minute. and in the latter part of the war in '71, '70, '71, '72 they started using anti-recon teams. and these boys were no sloughs. they were seasoned, experienced troops. mostly ncos. and seasoned troops, and they'd use their green troops to take casualties and figure out where you were at, then they'd send the anti-recon people in, then they'd drive you into an area w