doling as much enforcement as they were in the past :40 the a-g also heard from small towns like poquoson which is facing another obstacle in training officers - they don't have a firing range so they have limited, borrowed time from bigger city departments that do. c69 cliff bowen/poquoson police chief 1:36:35 part of that initiative talked about teaching officers how to desescalate when it comes to use of force and do a better job at the basic academy level of putting particularly with firearsm :49 the a-g assured he understands the challenges and has devleoped initiatves to help. c68 1:33:39 first of all we are working to expand the availablity of 21st century policing training to make sure that law enformcent have the best skills possible when they're out there :50 and the best people to get the job done. (butt bite) 1:33;55 we're also looking at ways to increase minority recuritment so that the law enformcement agencies reflect the diversity of the :06 the chiefs and prosecutors we spoke with left the meeting feeling good about getting out their message and working in partnership wit