so, in terms of female talent, ruth porat is a big win.ohn mack played a role in getting ruth to google. charlie: the interesting thing, too, a whole bunch of issues involve women of which -- income disparity. is, i doe problem not know what the solution is -- the problem is greater than we thought. wethis issue and online, have a chart that shows all the bureau of labor statistics job categories. there are about, more than 100. and you know, guess how many -- i do not know if you have seen it -- but guess how many jobs there are where women make at least as much as men out of 100? charlie: how many? pattie: two. charlie: i was thinking below five. pattie: two. so, the problem is even worse than we thought. and, you know, the counterargument to it is well women drop out, women take time out to raise their families and then they come back, but the real problem is -- and a lot of companies are working on this. google is working on this. andn do tend to be judged evaluated by the powers that be and usually the powers that be are male. they te