it's almost two months before the party officially starts, but here in trinidad's capital port-of-spainegun. >> lashaun: i said it was a pity that you weren't here during the peak of the carnival season. >> anthony: i'll tell you something really terrible about myself. i've never been to mardi gras, carnival in rio, any kind of carnival. like large numbers of strangers swming through the streets dancing in uniforms. >> lashaun: doesn't dofor you? >> anthony: no. some of my deepest fears are having to dance or sing in public either of these would be terrifying. so this seems like a situation when that might come up you know. >> anthony: queens park savannah will be the epicenter of carnival. but tonight it's still trinidad's street food center. my dinner companion for some fried snapper is lashaun prescott, who is here to tell me about two essential skills necessary for the proper enjoyment of local nightlife, turns out i'm very good at one and suck epically at the other. >> anthony: what is liming? >> lashaun: liming is like our version of hanging out you know. >> anthony: right. >> las