mount davidson and west portal playground, and my children both went to west portal school. and, so, i just -- some of the changes that i've seen in the neighborhood in terms of access to open space -- in fact, all of them have been for the worst. and i just wanted to talk to you about them and my ideas of how to address them. when i raised my kids in west portal playground there was a woman, i think her name was pat, who was on staff every day starting early in the morning, and she would literally rake the sand every day, every morning so that when the kids got there, any objects that might be in the sand had been removed. and she would sweep the sand on the sidewalk so that the kids could run around. that person -- there is no person like that any more. nobody cleans out the sand. the rec center is usually closed. there's nobody there keeping the place clean and neat. and i guess that's for lack of money, which is a shame and later on in the program we're going to be -- there's going to be some discussion of funding for some other things. and i would say it's a higher prio