that walk starts and ends at the west portal starbucks, go 6 miles, and takes five hours. removing that one spot seriously diminishes that carefully prepared walking round. the executive director of the botanical garden's society is on youtube saying that botanical gardens is a museum. the lack of money issue is a complete ruse. it is not about money. it is about turning a neighborhood garden park into a museum so we for the benefit of the botanical garden society, plant experts, and their wealthy donors. it is about pushing up the public and giving a public part to this private group here all the members now have unlimited access to all the parks all year long without paying any -- [bell rings] supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker please. >> i am in support of the non resident fee. i'm in support because i look at it like this -- i do not know for sure if the money that is not generated or will be generated will directly affect a kid in san francisco not being able to throw a ball or go to their local clubhouse or recreation center, but the possibility that it may happ