the porter ititute which supports national education standards. of the heritage foundation who oppes them, and the controversial founder of the high-performing american indian charter schools, ben chavis. first from my facebook page. barbara ss, would privatizing education using vouchers systems work? >> we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that school choic works. we have a robust body of empiricalvidence. you to washington d.c., one of the wst performing schools in the country, kids receive a voucher have a 91 percent graduation rate compared to their peers in the public system john: why don't we have vouchers everywhere? >> we already do. touches of the university system. you can go to georgetown university which is a private hool. it's about chair. the best universities in the world. us because we have a voucher system. stall financi aid. universitieses, the public schol system. john: so you attach some money to the kid. instead of spending 14,000 per student than having a big government monopoly, you say take $10,000, go to any school they want