one thing that came up to plant the seed. 1769 marks the portola expedition of the spanish bho -- who started out in san diego and as a palo altoan. they saw palo alto and realized they were lost and went back to san diego. i don't have the exact timeframe but it's consistent with the same thrust that found yerba buena and eventually mission dolores. with the 250 anniversary of this breakthrough of western civilization i think there should be a regional acknowledgment of these affairs. very specifically i look, i'm familiar with your agenda today in a drought and also closely following the regent -- recent earthquake, i think it would be interesting to write 2019 port los ola and uses of water and how it's changed from the 49ers era and spanish era and mission era and through modern times and our technological advances. i think it would be an interesting checkbook publishes parks and libraries and streets and auchlt i think it might be interesting to have a resource or be fun maybe a little bit like the chinatown movie about the history of water use statewide, but i think it would be