. -- the dream land title comes from a swimming pool in portsmouth, ohio, in on the ohio , river. once we're the thing -- the held the town together, that's where you grew up, it was a place where everyone came together and really.ommunity obviously, it was sustained by jobs, sustained by good downtown, a main street. but once that went away, once away, it was ent ike salvaging of the societal immune system. left places very vulnerable that ook place in a rustbelt areas, destruction of community, but in wealthier areas, and in suburban was so isolated, uburban community, architecture, almost designed for that. technology, while it connects us really does a lot to separate us, so these were ome of the reasons why writing about heroin is writing about who we've become as a country, as a people. dream land in d ohio.mouth, what should viewers know about mexico? yes. part of my book deals with the uys who first figured out the heroin traffickers, who first igured out that this very aggressive push to promote pain pill prescribing among doctors doctors buying into that idea, would even