that reflects our collective interests and values, but also strategically and how they view positioningategicthe pacific. every country needs to have a good and constructive ,elationship as china and ttp we are not interested in containing china. itself inhina exerts the region, the more our allies in the region want us to be involved. they see ttp as an important part of the commitment going forward. >> did you tell them some -- things can get past? >> they follow our politics closely and we consult constantly and we inform them of where we are in the process with congress in terms of working out outstanding issues and loving support on both sides of the island in both chambers. they themselves have been trying to make the case in washington around the country about how important this is to get done. we try to provide that insurance but we know that -- we know it will be challenging and there is a pathway forward here we have a window to get this done and they are fully committed and the president reiterated this, fully committed to doing everything we can. >> other members of the cabinet as