so it's not a posthuman, but to use a word that we find in leon's work, it's not posthuman, it's a form of dehumanization. what makes a proposed enhancement be on side of the boundary between b, the side of i dehumanization, and c, that which is intrinsically permissible even if it might be practically ill-advised or immoral in its pursuit? almost ten years ago with ryan anderson in an article edited by adam kuiper, ryan and i argued that the framework for answering this question is set by those basic goods that are con tissue bitive of human flourishing including life and health, knowledge, aesthetic experience, work, play, friendship, marriage, personal integrity and religion. each offers a foundational reason for action imcommensurable with the others, each reflects an aspect of our complex, variegate nature which has potentialities pointing in many different directions. hence, enhancement proposals and projects, the point of which is to block, damage or destroy avenues of pursuit of these basic goods, we argued, are always impermissible. and those that threaten to degrade our avenue