not just postracial, but postjournallist, right? and it's becoming a conversation now where it's really only starting to hit home now that young white journalists who are graduated from journalism school can't get jobs. i mean, that sounds a little harsh, but that really does seem to be where the rubber's hitting the road, if you will. >> it's like documentaries for me. like, i've seen the same thing happen with documentary film making and also the ngo world happening in journalism, where it's only people who can afford to do it for free and be creative artists are the ones who are doing it. when i sat on panels for my last documentary film, i was often the only person of color on the panel, and mostly the films were about the african diaspora. and then you travel and see what's happening in the ngo world, it's always the children of, you know, rich white people and the american ruling class that are having these jobs. and then what happens is you have societies that somehow holistically become dependent on seeing those images and t