scoutiig leaders chose to delay their pccmppeeity of this iisue. psome suggest the postponemeen - ist forrality.jennifer tyrelll/ former scout leader: "i'm confident that we're doubt whatsoover. the delay is the white house is once again - sppaking out, reiteratinng president obama's view on the issue.jayycarney/ white house believes thh boy scouts is a valuable orgaaization that has & elpeddeducate and uild -3 character n mmricannboys for as you know, opposes discrimination n all forms." a large majorrtt & of all scout units re pppnssred by eligious denominations, ho support the ban. some conservaaives, including rrligiius leaders have warned of mass defectionn if the ban is evvn partiilly eased. in new york, ainsley earhardt, foxxnews. 3 pooing up... inn littte less & than 10 minutes... we'lllbe prawing the name f the lucky person who could win a 100-dollar ppize in our free- pruary giveaway. giveaway. to -33 get yyur name in the box.. go to faccbook dot com slash foxbaltimore and fill out the can lso go there to