they want to do a pretest, a posttest, a diagnostic test, a benchmark test. there are many test that students are taking, but none that are completely clear to parents and often not to teachers as well. so i want to talk a little bit about this position i i talk about in the book and then open it up to questions. people focus on different aspects of the problem and it depends on what people are coming in with so i want to open it up to questions. when i talk about the future of testing i look at it in two parts. we need better accountability and better assessment. the stakes attest to the test, right now in no child left behind they're tied to school closer closure, teacher evaluation, closure, teacher evaluation, funding that affects states and the funding is being held over the state by the federal government to get them to agree to certain things, and it's affecting students. that's the most detrimental effect because they have a mindset a mindset and attitude around learning and the fact that were making school about these test implicates this mindset. wh