landed that intersects with the upper original homelands of several tribal nations the council the pottawatomie and of nations. the inland confederacy the. and nation and others nations. in the region of north east illinois home predict and the indigenous people live in a serious all right their traditional teachings in my face and today, chicago is home to the largest urban indigenous community the united states. there remains an apartment lease for indigenous people of the caught chicago institution, the possibility to acknowledge the historical context and build mystical relationships with the tribal nations onto the lands they are situated. you'll have the opportunity to enter russians on zoom are in the comment section if you're joining us on facebook or youtube. and as time permits our speakers will respond to questions. and as my pleasure to introduce today's speaker, doctor alaina roberts it assistant professor of history at the university of pittsburgh she focuses on the intersection of african-americans and native american histories and 19th century to the modern day particular attent