you know, there was a famous obscenity case, i think it was in the 1960's and justice potter stewart of the supreme court said i can't define obscenity but i know it when i see it. and that's how i feel. i'm not sure if i can say it's precisely this line. there's a difference between challenging and arguing. there's a difference between an adversary in the sense of being an adversary establishment. the press is an adversary of the establishment and being an advocate. i don't think i can define it but i know it when i see it and i think a lot of people do too. mo: we're going to move to student questions in a few moments. so i just encourage those students who are watching again, to look at the bottom of your screen and click on the q&a button to start submitting your questions if you haven't design so already. chris, there are two interesting polls that came out today, that showed that people's attitudes towards various elements of the coronavirus story are informed in large part by where they get their news. and that goes from everything from the federal response to how fast we shou