we've been living in pottersville, and the 2024 election is a chance to course correct towards georgehe host, and my daughter joins us now. aveda, why did amazon erase this scene, and more importantly, is jeff bezos the new mr. potter. >> let's talk about mr. potter's version of bedford falls. it says a monopolistic system based off debt slavery, and gambling, and prostitution and completely devoid of christian ethics, jeff bezos amazon is completely devoid of christian ethic, amazon uses its power to crush small businesss, and allegedly steals intellectual property, and silences conservative authors, and is the largest provider of h1b visas, which is something that is devaluing american labour, creating a surplus of american citizens by importing cheap foreign labour, it's capitalism without conscience, and i just -- i think that if you look at the contrast between jeff bezos and mr. potter and george bailey, you see something, george bailey provided people with homes and dignity, and stability, and he rejected mr. potter's author he didn't sell out to mr. potter, and george bailey i