and the next itest was boston properties at 135 million, and jay, poul at 115, and kill roy at 107, and golub received high scores for developer, experience, and they are the developers of lot six. and a residential parcel, also, in zone one, of the project area, and they are partnered joe and buck has extensive commercial experience in chicago. and they also were scored well for their dedication to meeting or exceeding the ocii contracting goals. >> and as i said, the proposal from the team, included a purchase price of 172.5 million dollars,., 665,000 square feet of rental office space and 550-foot tall tower and also includes the approximately, 15,000 square feet of publicly accessible and open space on parcels m1 and m3. and underground parking garage, for up to 117 parking spaces. and street scape improvements and including the extension of the street and the improvements on howard and main and beal street and the ground floor retail space of 5700 square feet and a minimum lead goal certification for sustainability. >> and now, the team had the highest over all score and, it did no