affordable housing payment which is a one time lump sum payment from uc toocii of 10.2 $10.2 million for pouzing in housing in mission bay south. this time to fossil, a payment of $21.9 million for public infrastructure in the south. in addition uc has agreed to pay the essential taxes authorized under cfd which maintains the parks and open space and which helps public infrastructure costs. uc estimates these payments at approximately $10 million. ocii hired alh and regional economics to conduct an analysis that would have been generated by blocks 33 and 34. this [inaudible] calculation of $39.8 million is more than the 32.1 uc is proposing to pay, however there are other legal and policy considerations to take into account. as previously mentioned, redevelopment dissolution law would be the south opa, only to amendments are found to be in the best interest of the taxing entities. approval of this transaction will provide meetly available funds for the production of housing and infrastructure in the south. this reduces the need for tax increment funds and act accelerates frees up property taxes