any changes that you are proposing based on our ideas and input >> barbara hale, manager for clean powersf. we built the schedule with the comments we received at our january 30th, lafco joint puc meeting in mind. we think this is a realistic schedule and our general manager feels we should keep this schedule . some of the discussions with chair avalos and if those presentations and opportunities present themselves we'll definitely pursue them and where you can help make those opportunities present themselves, we would definitely welcome that help. at this point in time we aren't proposing to make additional changes to, we didn't come in the door here with changes to the timeline relative to what we presented to our own commission and you will see that what this timeline does is sort of the basic bottom line of this timeline is, we will be serving san francisco customers through a cleanpowersf program in january of 2016 under this schedule. we will be setting not to exceed rates early in the schedule. we will set the actual rates in october after we have procured resources to serve this ne