it is cold the pox americano. or the american feeds. you refer to here in the mirror. where the world has. come about. now days it seems the summer of this thread. most of us only feel we were. me to. walk out every morning and civil wars of. the lord will take you to the palace of the shadow. so it says and i see if it goes i'm shaken in the hills lose my completely for you should have been in the. mood. when i was fed first class called total america there for scanning me. forty four days and i'm just going to my part to make sure that everyone here can enjoy the freedoms. pax americana is a political view which simply says that because america is currently the sole superpower it has not only the ability but the responsibility into the far future to maintain world peace. right. america now has the chance to establish an american empire a pax americana that will last for many many decades and one of the ways to do this is to establish strong american control of space china carried out its first anti-satellite weapons test on an old weather satellite about five hundred