our village on palessa is a cultural-historical expedition, the village of pozhezhen, there is a belieftone axes were found on its foundation back in the stone age. that's why there were ganchars here, the leather hat has a circle of ganchars, that's what they were called, garshkalepy, garshchai, acre of it, knitted krynitsa, babin's potato i still have it in my eyes, and i can hear it, i mean, how they cook it on this lard, on the tasty one, i mean , you can't find it anywhere, well, my whole world is clear. children, assemblies, when such hours happen, when i save up, i come here, so that the memory will come true, i look at the search project on our tv channel, the work of many teachers and educators, and as you know, this work cannot be overestimated, because the teacher leads us through life, starting from kindergarten, ending with a higher educational institution, and then the teacher accompanies our children. it is worth noting that the teacher skillfully combines in his work the knowledge of the past, present and future, especially today, when time flies quickly, together with h