i have a cast in which lucky is black and pozzo is white.her gone is white -- estragon is white and vladimir is black. he said to me after we rehearsed one scene, pozzo has lucky at the end of a rope. lucky carries everything that he owns. i have the with. this is -- whip. this is the relationship between a master and the slave. he said, the master is that tied -- is as tied to the slave as the slave is tied to the master. i thought the thing only went one way. it was a question of power. but it is not. the more power there is, the more dependence there is. it is only the slave that acquiesces to a certain point. then, as it happened in egypt and the middle east, there comes a point when you say no. the people in the south said no, it stops now. is, the best thing was we went to greenville and by that time i would have a colloquy afterward. i'm dealing with people who have never seen theater, a movie, they know nothing about this. i had put blackface on myself and white face on the black actors, trying to balance it. it was not attending. ra