i see in your testimony, writes, president obama's unfaithfulness to the ppaca is so wanton, it is no longer accurate to say that patient protection and affordable care act is, quote, the law of the land. and you know, it is kind of ironic because some of my colleagues, about 53 of us, have signed on to the house resolution stating that we believe that obamacare has yet to be the law of the land because it violated origination clause of the u.s. constitution when it was passed. we don't talk about that a great deal but it, is significant because the origination clause which was vital to the constitution ever coming into existence in the first place, it was, the, the critical, negotiation that took place to allow the cons to exist. -- constitution to exist. requires al bills for raising revenue originate in the house. incident -- incidentally, mr. cannon, our colleague at tate cowritten an excellent piece laying out this argument. i will ask this be placed into the record here in a moment. like to ask you to address it if you have perspective of it. but the bottom line that is, at issu