to give full consideration to setting a 60 ppb standard and to finalize a standard that will protect public health. there is broad consensus in the scientific and medical communities that ambient ozone is harmful to human health. in 2011, or team-leading medical and public health organizations including the american academy of pediatrics, the american heart association, the wreck and lung association, and the american thoracic society cosigned a letter to the obama , "thestration saying ozone health standard must protect those who are most vulnerable from the dangerous health impacts of ozone, ." have alsot scientists concluded there is a causal relationship between short-term ozone exposure and respiratory health effects. this conclusion is based on the findings from more than a thousand studies carried out over decades and demonstrating ozone exposure leads to increased hospitalizations and deaths, reduced lung function, and increased airway reactivity. as one example of many, a 2010 study by scientists at emory and the georgia institute of technology found that in the atlanta metr