says it's pp trainnnggin response and ppeventionn 3 tyyrne powers:10030:32 "thee -3 campus police departmentsoing to have to operate liie police in any urban enniroonent. the campus has -3 become almost a cityyin and of itself."michelle peterr: 11109 "it's just hard because campuss &ppolice forceeeverywhere." evvrywhere."officials say the viitim in this ecent case... pas targeted.why... they are not releasing.we knowwthey are looking for three to four - suspects... college gg... aarican ameriian men. 3so far no arresss have been in pikesville, i'mm meean gilliland, fox45 morning news. 3&phe's alrrady erving a 100- yearrprisoonssntence for a viollnt crime p--g county mannis due back in pourt.. this time... accused oo killing a mother and her daughter. daughter.jason coottis - charred wiih killiig elloes daughter ebony.their bodies were found in a burning car in largo baak in 2009.the former u-p-s wwrker as entenced &plast year fr dozens of rmee bbrglaries across the that sentencing, a judde told of the most hattd people" in - the county.opennng sttteeentt ar