the suspect then used the van as a get-away--ar after robbing an 83-year-old man at a ppkesville mcdonaldsno arrests yet. fox45 has teamed up with the most popular crime mapping "spotcrrme" tracks criminal activity in your neighborhood. you can also get emails when to ur website... fox- baltimore dot com...and clickk on "spotcrime" in the "hot topics" section at the toppof the screen. an elllcott city man is arrested after damaging a speed camera. "bruce may" was charged with second degree ssault, destruction of property and reckless enddngerment... after hh fired glass marbles with a sling shot... at a speed &pwhile the operrtor was still iiside t , tuesday night.the operator of the van called policee.. who eventually ptopped and arrested "may". pooice say "may" had received two speed camera violations in released on a 3-thousand dollaa bond. "i lost control the speed cameraa are just a pet ppeve of mine i um pretty much was having a bad day and i did this is the third incideett - this month involving attacks on speed camera vans and their operators. police are investigating whether the t