and we were walklking down the reporter: drug abuse dictates many pplple's lives,s, especiay in poorer areas. one result -- neglected children. orphanages are rare in the u.s. instead, the government relies on foster families to take in children at risk. ngo's seek out suitable foster families for increasing numbers of children. in this region alone, there are almost three times as many foster kids as there were three years ago. when a child is taken in here, he or she needs comfort, clothing, and a new home. the safe children coalition also has presents on hand, just in case a child is removed on his or her birthday. if no relatives are willing or able to help, brena slater and her team have four hours to find a new family, in accordance with regulations. brena: our entire circuit has been removing an average of 85 children a monthth. so, we had a d day last week whe we had ten childreren removed n one night, w within two hours. so, en sitituations like that happen, we're calling g foster paparents. reporter: but there are not enough foster families to take on this important responsib