the behavior ppoves schuler's plea of not guilty by insanity. hondas arr known for bbing a good cars... but for one man in maine...his ride is another story! he racked up more than &pone million miles on his 19-9 honda accord.joe locicero puts an average of 14-thouuand miles a monthhon his car for hhs job as a mechanic joe's story... they showed up foo a parade the town threw him.. to present him with a new 20-10 honda accord.he doesn't know what he'llldo now with the new "true blue", but his family has an idea. ""e'll probably drive it until it turns into dust" (laughs) "it took 11 years to do, so it might take me 15 years to decide the next step, i donnt kkow" joe says there really is no secret to kkeping the carron the road this long. most of engine and even its front calipers are are all originals. harlly-daviddon is recalling more than 300-thousand mooorcycles worldwide... because of a problem witththe rear bbake light switch.the company says the exhaust system in certain models could expose the switch to excessive heat....causing the light