>> we're already practing tikkun olam in our day-tday lis, so in a way we're being jewish even thoute. moie house, in a sense, is sort of that alternative vue to come in and re-engagewith the communit >> the shaat potluck, the friy night dinner that we do once a month,s really very much the soul of o programming. >> it's great toee everyone. we do this evy month, and we start withome traditional prayers and a brief song. they jo us for dinner, and we o the blessings. it's sort of a great oppounity for everyo to take a moment and spend time with their friends. what i hopmoishe house brings to new orleans is a coortable, open communit based on jewish valuesculture, religion that is accessible toveryone. >> abernethy: as mentioned earlier the islamiconth of ramadan is underwa musms are fasting, every day, from dawn sunset and offering spial prayers and gifts to e poor, all to become closer t god and neighbor. in sterlingvirginia, we talked with abdul malik ahmad w teaches martial art makes muc videos and is a multi- media produr, and to his wife raima ullah, who shared with u her mily's